

relief, originally uploaded by u.linder.

i can’t really explain, but today i got up after a very sorrowfull and
exhausting week on grounds of ill health of my girlfriend, i watched this pic and
it hit me like a hammer.
a pic of mine never made that much sense to me before.
as i told you, i can’t really explain…

this one is dedicated to my beloved girlfriend!!!

a big THX to martin gommel for hosting this pic and giving me the chance to tell about my feelings!!

edit: this is one of three pics i sent to a photo competition. please keep your fingers crossed for me. 🙂

here the other two pics:

kurşunlu waterfall


pp info:
– very very slight contrast an saturation adjustments
– cropping and posting

Camera: Canon EOS 350D Digital
Exposure: 30 sec (30)
Aperture: f/11
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 100

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